Something New

My friend and colleague Laurie Kertz Kelly and I have created something new for people with mild to moderate knee pain.

We’ve been working on this for several months, released the beta version in October ‘21 and will be launching it officially sometime in January 2022.

Right now, we have a couple ways people can find some help.

I have written many blog posts and she has as well, I’ve written some books and Laurie offers one-on-one coaching.

But that leaves out some people who might want a bit more guidance but maybe not the commitment that coaching requires.

That’s the problem our new thing solves.

Laurie has a an interesting piece on her site about the problem we’re trying to solve. You can get to it here.

More to come.

Thanks for reading.



If you like this article, why not share it with a friend? If you’re interested in coaching services, please contact my colleague Laurie Kertz Kelly for a free, 20-minute Strategy Session by, clicking here. To get my Secret Weapon to fight knee, hip & back pain and stiffness, subscribe for free today.

Doug Kelsey has been a physical therapist and human movement expert since 1981. He is formerly Associate Professor and Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center and the author of several books. He has conducted over 250 educational seminars for therapists, trainers, physicians, and the public and has presented lectures at national and international scientific and professional conferences. His professional CV is here.