Why Some Injuries Seem to Take Forever – Part 2

There are a few reasons why recovery from an injury is slow…or seems slow. First, an incorrect or incomplete diagnosis. I’m not sure how many referrals came my way from physicians who had diagnosed

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Why Some Injuries Seem to Take Forever

I had to take my car, a Ford Flex, to the dealer a while back. There was this loud THUD as I accelerated from 0 to around 20mph. If I accelerated more quickly the thud was barely noticeable. I don’t

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What Stretches When You Stretch?

Let’s take the bend-over-touch-your-toes example. Let’s say that you can reach down to about three inches above the floor and your hamstrings feel as tight as a drum. So, you do some stretching

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What Do You Do When You’re Hip Feels Tight – Part 2

My last post on what to do when your hip feels tight, was about how the presence of fluid in the joint can derail muscle function and what to do about that. In this post, I’ll talk about why the

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What Do You Do When Your Hip Feels Tight?

I was talking to someone a couple of weeks ago. let’s call him Ben, and in the course of the conversation, he said, “My right hip feels tight” and that his hip often hurt. He was in his

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How Strong is Strong Enough to Run?

World class long distance runners are not built like sprinters. But both are strong. When they run, they seem light-footed, have a slight bounce in their step. Compare this to a runner who you can hear

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How an Injury Can Help You

I happened to stumble across an article on a marriage website. The piece was about the things you can do to improve your marriage/relationship. But as I read through the list, I couldn’t help but

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On Being Tough

Aging is not easy. My Grandmother used to say, “Getting old ain’t for sissies.” In her later years, she battled osteoarthritis in just about every joint. I know she hurt most of the day,

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Are My Running Days Over?

I started a walk/run program the last week of March. Less than 2 weeks later, my knee began bothering me. It did not start during or after a walk/run but rather happened out-of-the-blue while walking

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Long Days, Short Life

I recently sent an email to my readers about a friend of ours who was diagnosed with a tumor deep in her brain. I’m still processing things. How it affects her, her partner, family, friends. And

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